Lito Perezito

Lito Perezito

Lito Perezito is a French gamic creator who got into 3D design when Dusan, the developer of the model viewing and processing programme XNALara, released this software back in 2009. From then until 2017, Lito experimented with the programme, making renders and improving his posing skills. Shortly after, he started to create gamics. Although these artifacts are time consuming to make, Lito defines himself as a ‘lazy artist’ because he does not have the patience to watch or read tutorials that could help him to improve his skills: ‘I’m always rushing everything I do, but still manage to get nice results’.

For Lito, game studios tend to create massive universes with great underrated characters which most of the time remain underdeveloped. The lack of representation of gay love stories in videogames led Lito to create gamics using assets from Resident Evil 6 (2012) and Detroit: Become Human (2018):

I chose Resident Evil because I grew up seeing how Capcom sexualized Chris Redfield and made him show no interest in women. It gave me hope for a possible coming out of the character in the future. After I played Resident Evil 6 and saw how much chemistry there was between Piers and Chris [two of the game characters], I decided to make a story about them, because I knew Capcom would never do it themselves and it would help other LGBT fans feel more represented, even if it was just being represented by another fan.
Lito Perezito
Gamic creator

Credit line

Resident Evil 6 © Capcom

After Lito finished his Resident Evil gamics, he decided to turn his attention to Detroit: Become Human. Lito was disappointed by the romance options provided in the game, as he felt that the chemistry between two of the characters – Simon and Markus – was dismissed, forcing the player to pursue a heterosexual partner. He decided to use another pair of characters for his gamic series Reed900 (2019), Gavin Reed and the android RK900,

I thought it would be interesting to write a story about a character who is seen as an antagonist in the game, and an android that looks just like Connor [one of the three protagonists of the game] but who has an unknown personality. It gave me a lot more freedom than the one I had with Resident Evil, because I always want to stay as close as possible to the canon story of the games.
Lito Perezito
Gamic creator

All his gamics are available on the website and have also been translated to other languages and reposted in other comic websites.

When Lito starts a new project, he downloads various models from the XNALara community and imports them into Blender. He designs the outfits for his characters, or buys them from a 3D model online shop when nothing available in the community suits him. He repeats the same procedure with the backgrounds once the 3D models are ready to pose. He renders each frame of his Blender project, which contains the scenes for the panels using different character poses and lighting. Finally he polishes the rendered images in Photoshop, adding outlines and enhancing expressions. Lito perceives that his main limitation is being unable to rip 3D sceneries from the game, as this would help to keep a consistent aesthetic and mood without the need of modelling textures and objects himself. To aid him with this endeavour, he sometimes uses screenshots from the game as a guidance when retexturing the ripped models and backgrounds.

Credit line

Detroit: Become Human © Sony Interactive Entertainment